Spuzz he still has to have the balls to make that shot, but I do agree if there is ever a shot where it would be impacted by this situation it's going to be moreso the touch shots. Shame really!
I hear all the time how pace of play, at least in some parts of GB&I, is fast, ie 4somes walking in 3.5 hours or less,.it almost seems impossible given how.the pace of play is in the states and the attitudes like JB, etc., IMO I think there are far more folks who want an acceptable pace of play than not, but the reality is it won't change. JB feels entitled because, enter all the BS excuses you've already heard. I say kudos to those who have spoken up, hopefully Noren confronted him, in a professional way.
I would not play golf if it were always that slow....to me pace of play is Paramount, I'd rather play a average course with good pace then a dream course at 5-6 hrs. Every now and again OK, hell even 4.5 hours feels slow to me.