Sneakylong They really should just let it go, and get out of the headlines, and let people calm down and just play golf! It's making both sides look bad in public, and really is taking a lot from the game.
After all, exactly who is going to LIV, and with their limited field, how can many more go? Let the older fellas have another choice, and some of the others are no big loss, just 'news fodder' that is now meaningless as they slide down the depth charts. And some of the others have never won, never will on the PGA, and this is a good time for them to 'grab the loot'.
Regardless of the pocketbook. That's for them to think about, not us, or the PGA. Free country/free thinking, and all that.
And, there is a lot more "washing", of different types, going on in THIS country, if everyone opens their eyes. 🤨