Rickochet azgreg I have eaten something similar that we called "Mexican Mess." It was actually very good. We made it in a huge bowl and ate it on a plate.
Rickochet Last tee truism: As a senior there is nothing better than starting off your day by taking a good crap. Especially if it occurs after you get out of bed.
Stu1961 Jalapeño and pineapple pizza … didn’t expect to like it (daughter ordered it and offered me a slice), but now I may only frequent pizza places that offer it. Delicious! 😋
Walterjn Stu1961 you should be able to request it from any pizza place that all the required ingredients...
Par4QC [unknown] Going to be too hot to golf here this weekend. And dry. I may go just to see if I can hit some over 150. 🤣
Spartan [unknown] I saw him twice in concert, once around 1980. The second time was many years later(around 2001?) And his voice wasn't what it once was.
raggmann54 [unknown] If a pig took its own life would you call it sooweecide? Nope, I'd call it "We having a barbeque tonight"...
mulegolf The only problem with golf is that the slow people are always in front of you and the fast people always end up behind you.
sdandrea1 My grocery store (Giant) puts the Whipped Cream topping with the Orange Juice. I didn't ask "why" but I had to ask "where" after looking around all the dessert and ice cream sections.