sdandrea1 Par4QC Who alphabetized the alphabet? And how did they do it? Shit............damn you!😳
Par4QC sdandrea1 Apparently, it is in the correct order. Good thing too. Encyclopedias would all be out of whack!! 😲
Rickochet azgreg I have eaten something similar that we called "Mexican Mess." It was actually very good. We made it in a huge bowl and ate it on a plate.
Rickochet Last tee truism: As a senior there is nothing better than starting off your day by taking a good crap. Especially if it occurs after you get out of bed.
Stu1961 Jalapeño and pineapple pizza … didn’t expect to like it (daughter ordered it and offered me a slice), but now I may only frequent pizza places that offer it. Delicious! 😋
Walterjn Stu1961 you should be able to request it from any pizza place that all the required ingredients...
Par4QC [unknown] Going to be too hot to golf here this weekend. And dry. I may go just to see if I can hit some over 150. 🤣