Played yesterday. 81. But a damn good 81. Not sure why it wasn't 71.
Hit a ton of FWs, but again, few GIRs which I really don't care about. Only 28 putts with 1 (super rare) 3 putt.
Hit some absolute bombs with the new Smoke driver. Still getting used to the high launch of the irons, but distances are good with them; just need more. Every other club has taken on a new life, whether from the heat or something in my swing. More distance across the bag. Hit a 3wd from the rough on 1 hole and it went farther than my drive did; and it wasn't short! Told the guys yesterday, a few times, 'I can't hit this club that far, but I'm using it'. Then hit a couple over the green. Think I'm going to quit questioning it and just play.
Got paired up with some young fella. Played from the tips at 6800. Name must have been 'John"....shot around -5, with a couple bogies. Never mishit even 1 damn shot. A lot of those birds were from 1 putts under 5'. And he was complimenting me on some shots.😲
Long 5+ hr. round though. Got caught up behind an outing where we had 4 groups on 1 tee on #6. And the other 2 guys were ended up playing with were the slowest I've ever seen. Walked/carried like my long deceased grandmother might do.