I played today with some of the guys for funsies only. It was a beautiful day and I wore shorts.
And that is the end of the good news.
I shot 97. 1 GIR, on the first green. 34 putts. I had TEN doubles. ☹ 😣😖😫😩
None of the trouble came from tee shots on the par 4s and 5s. Well okay, one time it was the tee shot. Otherwise it was all approach shots and short game where I fell apart. Missing greens in awful places. Etc etc. Conditions are difficult, but still.
Because it wasn't a money game, I played some clubs I hadn't been playing. They were not an improvement at all. Including a borrowed LAB Mezz putter that my buddy wants me to buy from him. I never made anything with it.
I had to cancel out of tomorrow's team event. I'd have zero confidence going into that. Which sucks because it is going to be another great day. Oh well.