Sneakylong Admitting to sexual assault is a disgrace.
... but lying about it, shaming your victims, and pretending it never happened is graceful?
Lying continually is a disgrace.
That's fairly vague. Please name someone who hasn't lied. I'll wait.
Bulling people is a disgrace.
Assuming you just can't spell and meant "bullying". If so, bullying is a made up issue to create victims. When I was growing up, kids (and I'd presume adults, too) weren't taught to lie down and be a victim. If someone was messin' with you, you either ignored it because it wasn't worth your time or you did what needed to be done to stop it.
Giving a false equivalency to Nazi white nationalists and people who protest against such hate groups is a disgrace.
You're reaching again. False equivalency? Please.
Continually (for years) saying your predecessor wasn't born in this country and then never apologizing is a disgrace.
Did the worthless predecessor ever price him wrong? I didn't think so...