JeffTilley Personal attack. No substance.
Reading Comprehension
johnnydoom Pardon me. Just wanted to be clear hence, the request for clarification. I allowed for the possibility that you were reflecting on prior Republican party candidates.
So, thanks for the answer. It is now clear that you are on board with the Trump agenda. Ooops, he has no agenda of his own, just to tear at anything Obama accomplished. More of and worse yet, of the same.
You did however, fail to answer my question.
Quoting you to clarify: " view........ Mine (view) is based upon questions answered by actual voters..."
What questions (and answers) by actual voters shaped your view?
Personal attack? No, that was merely an observation. But you best go see a dermatologist about that thin skin. That was just an observation, too.
professor I did answer your question. It is in my post above (about #25), voter exit polls on the day of the presidential election. Also, and I'm very sure this will make you feel much better - I voted for Cruz in the primary election. But yes, I am on board with much of the president's agenda.
johnnydoom Got it. Found the post you're referring to. Thanks. I've said my piece on a number of Trump voters who'll regret they endorsed him.
A completely different subject but it's, truly beyond my comprehension that most don't already.
Regardless, we are now way off-topic. I believe the Facebook influence could have been significant.
professor A completely different subject but it's, truly beyond my comprehension that most don't already.
The conservatives out here can't comprehend how the entire lot of Soetoro supporters can't regret supporting him. It's the difference in ideology. Conservatives (true conservatives) want individual liberty. Socialists like Barry Soetoro and his supporters want government control of everyone's lives.
rsvman ... and Barry Soetoro has proven himself to be a complete hoax upon the U.S. The sheeple elected him and he did as much damage as he could while his tyrannical regime was at the helm.
rsvman "be that as it may" sounds like you agree with the statement.
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I see Professor is at it again
Do I agree with your article - could only read in part. The simple answer is yes. But, what is the biggest source of fake news today? Right now it is the Russian investigation. Here we are after months of investigation, a huge team of expensive lawyers at taxpayer expense, and endless innuendo and we still have no evidence of wrong doing. All the language is "possible," "may," "it appears," etc., after a while it becomes clear it is BS.
But, this type of BS has a way of wandering back to those throwing dirt. Now it appears there is a growing demand that Hillary and her connections to Fusion GPS be investigated. Fusion GPS is now in court trying to block a house subpoena requesting documents linked to the beginnings of the accusations in this investigation and the role of Fusion GPS and their donors. We are going to hear growing demand to investigate the sale of uranium to Russia, the Clinton foundation, etc. When you throw dirt, you best have clean hands.
You may find it interesting to google how much did CNN donate to the Hillary election campaign.
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Whoa..... Trump Jr., Manafort, Kushner and company met with the Russians to 'get dirt' on Hillary. Collusion may not be a crime, but they did at the very minimum attempt to 'collude'. My guess is what Mueller will prove is obstruction of justice. Trump admitted so in his Lester Holt interview. Plus he's on tape admitting to the Russians in the oval office that he fired Comey to get rid of the Russian thing.
For me there's too many coincidences like the release of the Podesta emails right after the Hollywood sexual assault admission. Don't rule out money laundering also. Trump couldn't get loans from American banks back in the 90's because he was a deadbeat and I think what they'll find is he was being financed by Russian oligarchs.
At the very least Flynn and Manafort are in serious trouble. Whether they give up Trump is another question. They probably know Trump will pardon them anyway. But, a presidential pardon does not immunize them from state prosecution.
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Damage? What do you think of the 'damage' being done by this pathological lying / sociopathic / extreme narcissist / xenophobic / misogynist / self grandiose / bigoted / con artist / incompetent / idiotic buffoon sitting in the oval office now?
Face it Trump voters. What you basically got for your vote was the equivalent to a subscription to Trump University. You were conned big time or as Trump says 'bigly'.
Take the tin foil hat off and come back to reality.
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Sneakylong At the very least Flynn and Manafort are in serious trouble.
Really? That is how they are being portrayed in the liberal media and if we drink their take I would agree. But, I don't drink I read. At this point in time I have not read one single statement of fact (not maybe, it appears, possible, etc.) of either men actually violating the law.
If you are aware of any actual violation of legal statues, please share. I have come to only glance at most liberal media sources. It is only when I catch a statement using words such as "evidence," "facts," or full statements in quotes that I read carefully. When I do I usually find they have ignored "the rest of the story." This continuously repeated experience has only moved me further away from wasting my time.
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I would agree that Trump is too self focused.
However, he is also a very successful businessman and has never been about political correctness or politics. He was out of the box for DC, but he is learning the silly games of our nations politicians.
The end game will be the fruits of his administration in about three years for the majority of the voting public. If he does well, I suspect you may have to deal with four more years. Like it or not it was what was happening to the average citizen in our nation that rejected democratic leadership. Hillary was a terrible choice for the democratic party, but her party approval was clearly the work of party politics. As Bernie Sanders would see it - the same ole dirty politics behind the scenes. If you wish to consider the damage of the email leaks - it was not that they were fabricated, because they were not - but what they said about Hillary and the democratic party to the voting public. It was a peak behind the scenes and it was a foul smell.
It was a story which the mainstream media clearly elected to ignore, but that in itself only contributed to the odor of the democratic election effort.
The mainstream media is losing more and more influence everyday in our nation. If you keep repeatedly exposing your bias with a wide brush, eventually you have painted your own house. It is sad because we need an unbiased media we can trust.
Have a nice day.
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I'm going to disagree on Trump being a successful businessman. For someone who was born on 3rd base he's actually a terrible businessman. He (his businesses) has gone bankrupt at least 4 times. He is a dead beat also. U.S. based banks stopped lending to him years ago. He basically ran a mom and pop real estate company with more self promotion than anything else.
For years he over leveraged himself. Finally he stopped that failed business model and started licensing his name which meant he built very little.
Trump has several severe personality disorders and is completely unqualified for the job as president. He should be nowhere near the nuclear codes. He is disinterested in policy and is only interested in self promotion and starting fights with whoever.
Tony Schwartz who wrote The Art Of The Deal said he has the attention span of an 8 year old. For some reason people were attracted by his buffoonery and bullying. I don't understand the attraction myself. I think he's an idiot.
Hopefully we all survive this imbeciles time in office and people will learn that the office of the president isn't an entry level position.
From a NY Times article this past summer.
"In a recent Quinnipiac University poll, respondents were asked what word immediately came to mind when they thought of Donald Trump: The No. 1 response was “idiot.” This was followed by “incompetent,” “liar,” “leader,” “unqualified,” and finally, in sixth place, “president.” Superlatives like “great” and a few unprintable descriptives came further down on the list. But let us focus on the first.
Contemporary uses of the word “idiot” usually highlight a subject’s lack of intelligence, ignorance, foolishness or buffoonery. The word’s etymological roots, however, going back to ancient Greece, suggest that, in the case of the president, it may be even more apropos than it might first seem."
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Also, the 'main stream media' does a good job calling out Trumps bullshit lies. Trump would love to be a dictator and runs the Whitehouse like a palace with his totally unqualified son in law and daughter in there with him. Its more of Romanovs type thing.
His 'Make America Great Again' is dog whistle for 'Make America White Again. He's brought bigotry back out from under the rock where it should've remained. Hopefully this racist fuck has set us back only temporarily and history will look upon this brief time as a freakish blip in our progress towards equality for all.
Thank God we have a free press calling this guys bullshit out. And I'm an atheist. Trump would love to shut down the free press. Trump admires dictators. All the so called 'main stream media' are doing the country a great service IMO.
Oh, IMO Flynn will go down from his ties to foreign governments (foreign agent) and Manafort for money laundering.
On a side note. The late former owner of my home course went to the Wharton School at Penn State with Trump. Let's just say he was full of shit back then as well........
Sneakylong I'm going to disagree on Trump being a successful businessman. For someone who was born on 3rd base he's actually a terrible businessman. He (his businesses) has gone bankrupt at least 4 times. He is a dead beat also. U.S. based banks stopped lending to him years ago. He basically ran a mom and pop real estate company with more self promotion than anything else.
Sneakylong Trump has several severe personality disorders and is completely unqualified for the job as president.
Sneakylong Trump would love to be a dictator and runs the Whitehouse like a palace
Sneakylong He's brought bigotry back out from under the rock where it should've remained.
WOW IV!!!!
Sneakylong Hopefully this racist fuck
WOW V!!!!!
Sneakylong Trump admires dictators.
WOW VI!!!!!!
Sneakylong The late former owner of my home course went to the Wharton School at Penn State with Trump.
Oh. I feel so like an 'idiot', now that I see where you got all your highly qualified info. But still.....
WOW, fucking WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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WOW is right... Anytime I can enlighten, happy to do so. Also, have a relative that used to work for Carl Icahn. Let's put it this way, Icahn is one of the few that can call Trump a stupid fuck to his face (well actually by telephone). But the stories about Trump only confirm what's already out there for all to see.
The Cabinet or Congress could invoke the 25th amendment and remove this incompetent idiot from office. Meanwhile we wait for the next episode of the Reality Show known as Trump.
" Nearly 800 mental health professionals have joined a coalition asserting that they are so alarmed by Trump’s mental health that they feel a duty to warn the public."
I am not surprised with your posts. But, you were of the opinion Trump's nomination as a candidate was a guarantee Hillary would be elected. So I suggest you broaden your perspective from the narrow liberal viewpoint.
I posted years ago that Obama's broadened use of the Executive Order would come back to bite the Obama supporters. Now you refer to Trump's use of such orders as a desire to be a dictator. But, in reality many of Trump's Executive Orders have simply put the responsibility back to where it should be in many manners - Congress.
Trump understood what was happening across our nation, which the democrats refused to acknowledge. So whether it was in regard to immigration, Obamacare, taxes, distribution of wealth, forcing of LGBT agenda, etc., the average American was not on board with the liberal democrat agenda.
Trump made promises on all of these issues. He was voted as our President by our nation. From the very beginning many liberals came out saying he is not my President. All they are saying is that they reject the very concept of a democracy and reject the opinions of their fellow Americans. The clear effort to undermine the administration of our President by both the media and the democratic party is akin to a hissy fit of a toddler. Do you expect everyone is going to just jump on board while you show such extreme disrespect for our democracy and the vote of the American people?