I'll do you one better. I will respond - without personal attack, without authoritarianism 'don't ever put words in my mouth again', and I will read the lines. Seems you're unwilling to specify or quantify. Whatever floats your boat. It's just called substantiation.
So, I believe there is media bias. How much? That's hard for me to say. I believe Fox News is reprehensible and unintelligible. I occasionally listen to Rush Limbaugh on the radio just for some competition with Philly Sports Talk - both being mostly ridiculous but, it's good to know how others think, what they're 'fed', and try and comprehend how.
While I don't watch mainstream media - which for me would be ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS (traditionally) and might (?) now include CNN, MSN - MSNBC? See, I'm not really sure and that's why I'd requested you clarify. But, you're seemingly too agitated (I'm just speculating - not attempting to put words in your mouth). If I want "news" that I feel is somewhat objective (knowing full well that to any 100% extent, there is no such animal), I prefer NPR/PBS, BBC or at 11 p.m. EST, there's NHK World TV (a Japanese-PBS partnership). I believe the latter two to be less influenced by 'corporate money'. And, I don't think the other mainstream media outlets I mentioned (the traditional ones) are nearly so biased as Fox. So, there are my thoughts and opinions.
My take on the article I posted about Facebook influencing? I think Mr. Trump and his cronies/family members have already admitted their guilt and complicity with the Russians. I believe Hillary really screwed the pooch in her presentation of self, for starters. I find her to be 'shrew-like' (and, I didn't care for her husband either). Nonetheless, I believe they're both brighter, more learned, and more diplomatic than our current POTUS. I believe, in all the investigations of Hillary's emails, had she been messing with Facebook as had the Trump campaign, it would have hit the news - all the news.
Anything else?
Possible you might engage in a discussion?