Latest rumor
Ping may be bringing out single length irons
Named "Steve Won" for $12 shipped

sdandrea1 I have to buy them first, then you can have dibs 😜. I’m probably going to look for slightly more than $12 shipped, but ya never know!

In fairness, it’s not that fitting doesn’t matter, but after years of playing, if you are into the idea at all, you know the approximate formula to succeed. You might screw around to try something new, but in reality, clubs are built to standard specs, there’s only so much you can do to make them more for you. As long as you are in the right style club, with an appropriate shaft for your game at a comfortable length, I don’t think sweating the details down to the very last .1 of an ounce is worth it.

DC300 I once bought a set of Titleist heads off FGI. When I got them, I weighed them all out. EXACTLY 7 gr. diff from head-head, 3-PW. Did it a couple times to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing. I had bought a set of shaft pulls off Ebay and they had come in EXACTLY 3 gr. diff from shaft to shaft, 3-PW. I put on new grips, all weighing exactly the same! Most beautiful looking set of irons I ever assembled, and felt just as great, club to club.

Played them 1 round. Couldn't hit them. Sold them for over twice what I had in them. Buyer was nearly crying when they were delivered. Not me.

There's a moral there somewhere. I'm sure of it.


    I have borrowed and/or rented clubs and played my best golf.........I guess it comes down to confidence and adaptability? Luck? Karma?

    Status report
    Cut the 6 Matrix shafts for 5-pw to match steel I pulled from my MP 57s added 0.25" to each, originally 5 iron was ~ 38" total built length.
    Hand prepared with 5/8 " of taper area on ends. I've still got to finish tip prep on 9 & pw shafts. Ferrules id seems small too hard to slide on shaft even after removing paint where they will sit. I had to ream & sand and heat to get to get them applied. I even reordered with same results. I had same issue when I reshafed my G15 back in Jan. Must be a point I'm ignorant of here.???
    Heads wt descending order 5 -->pw
    252, 259, 266, 276, 285, 290 grams each. I checked calibration of my antique triple beam lab scale & it's about 0.2 grams low and sensitivity a bit lacking so I've rounded readings to 1 gram increments. All raw shafts 79-80 grams. 40" uncut
    Cut shafts wts - lengths - inches same progression sequence
    71g - 36.75"
    70g - 36.25"
    69g - 35.75"
    68g - 35.25"
    67g - 34.75"
    64g - 34.25"
    Calculated swing wts
    In sequence with 63 gram Star grips
    C6, C6, C7, C8, C9, C8
    I'll finish tip prep tomorrow
    Waiting on tip wts and final suggestions before epoxying them together.

      Coming soon hopefully 😄
      My shop looks like hand grenade hit.
      They'll look like Landon's TFlt tours but in grey, but I'll still think they look ok with Mizzy roadrunner on soles

      Provisional there’s a lot of ways to go about balancing that set, but the 3 options I’d consider are taking them all to C9 or just add 3g to the 7, 2g to the 5,6,w to balance the head weights and call it close enough, or glue them as they are and stop thinking. Off the top of my head, I think option 2 gets it close enough you will never notice, but you have this much time invested, don’t let me sway you from doing it the way you want them.

      On the ferrules, I have had some that are just too damn tight in the past, I take either sand paper or my hosel cleaning wire brush and run it through the inside of them enough to make a little dust, blow that out and then a q-tip dipped in acetone to melt it back to smooth for sliding purposes, repeat until it’s tight, but you can move it on the tip, grab the hair dryer and get it warm, move into place.

        I'm vacillating on tip wt adjustment
        For 5 , 6 irons particularly. There are some who suggest that a progression of swing weights is desirable, making lower lofted irons & longer shafts feel easier to swing , with less wt further from swing axis. My aging related strength distance loss seems very noticeable this year too with driver and 5, 6 irons. I'd just leave off tip wts based on that , but C6 may be too low and cause poor control. I see that with my driver swing as my heavier G15 vs Cleveland UL 270 , much more consistent with heavier club and mostly longer . I like your idea to add small adjustment to 5,6 irons and fgorgetsbout it😃


        You'll find out soon enough! 😉

        Typically, there are 10 cycles between flexes. A typical iron shaft in a woman’s flex would frequency at about 250 cpm; a senior flex, 260 cpm; a man’s regular flex, 270 cpm; a stiff flex, 280 cpm; and an extra stiff flex at 290 cpm.

        "The plans of mice and men gang aft aglay" or per "The Stones , You don't always get what you waaont"

        Perhaps this is why the shafts all feel stout, I wouldn’t worry too much, hit them and judge results.

        Shafts feel more S than Sr. to me after playing 9 anda small bucket at the range.
        But they did go my usual distances and gave straight shots. May be too stout. But...
        I'm going to add some lead tape to bring them all up to swing wt C9 see If that changes feeling they give me after I try them couple of more times. They respond better to a steeper stronger swing. I feel like wt reduction is helping increase club speed too.

          At c9 swing weight, they will feel much stouter. D2 should soften them up closer to A or R flex
          considering their 'stated' cpm. JMO.

            Thanks for the info

            I didn't realize an increase in sw would change feel so much .
            Lots to learn , of which I was aware. Just hoped my shot into the dark would get me close enough . Messing around in the pasture with pw yesterday . As I said, it was straight hitting , with a penetrating trajectory probably lowers dispersion. This will be fine, unless spin is too low to hold the greens . I hit a nice 170 yd 5 iron to green on a parr 4 hole at Shadow Ridge GC , also lower trajectory rolled through and off back side. I have always hit lots of knuckle balls though , from the rough, you know ,my usual location.😂 I may possibly warm to these shafts after a few rounds. My ball striking is not good, so I'm stretching to play these Mizzys anyway. I like the look, and their feel when well struck struck. My scores can't get much worse anyway, so might as well play what I want. I know that the graphite is going to be what makes them friendly enough for Mr Arthritis Geezer. I can always threaten them with my Pings if they misbehave too much.

            SWMBO'S line, but she can't resist .
            In trying this exersize , I hoped to to replace the heavy steel DG 300R shafts with much lighter graphite ones better suited for my , ahem, mature years, without sacrificing good dispersion and the soft feeling Mizuno irons promise. I believe that , has been achieved. I was surprised at the lower than expected wts that the Matrix 84 shafted up and their frequency too. I was warned that they play firm, to be fair, but I thought specifying Sr flex would more than accommodate that as I wanted more soft regular than Sr anyway. I'll play around with some lead tape to attempt to dial them in and see if I can get a softer feel . The lower trajectory is a bit of worry too. I almost selected the Grafalloy Prolaunch Axis instead of the Matrix ones for their low kick point, but opted for the heavier , I thought, shaft. Probably what is to be expected by not hiring a good fitter instead of dummies shot into dark.
            It was fun, what t heck.

              Provisional People do worry too much, sometimes, about the flex. If you are capable of swinging those clubs, & hitting 5i 170, you're doing fine. You swing straight, the ball's going straight. No floppy, twisting shafts.