- Edited
Status report
Cut the 6 Matrix shafts for 5-pw to match steel I pulled from my MP 57s added 0.25" to each, originally 5 iron was ~ 38" total built length.
Hand prepared with 5/8 " of taper area on ends. I've still got to finish tip prep on 9 & pw shafts. Ferrules id seems small too hard to slide on shaft even after removing paint where they will sit. I had to ream & sand and heat to get to get them applied. I even reordered with same results. I had same issue when I reshafed my G15 back in Jan. Must be a point I'm ignorant of here.???
Heads wt descending order 5 -->pw
252, 259, 266, 276, 285, 290 grams each. I checked calibration of my antique triple beam lab scale & it's about 0.2 grams low and sensitivity a bit lacking so I've rounded readings to 1 gram increments. All raw shafts 79-80 grams. 40" uncut
Cut shafts wts - lengths - inches same progression sequence
71g - 36.75"
70g - 36.25"
69g - 35.75"
68g - 35.25"
67g - 34.75"
64g - 34.25"
Calculated swing wts
In sequence with 63 gram Star grips
C6, C6, C7, C8, C9, C8
I'll finish tip prep tomorrow
Waiting on tip wts and final suggestions before epoxying them together.