Yipsy 5 hours and I finally resolved the issue. Thank you to the Russian guy on YouTube

And people say the Russians are no good….WTF??

sdandrea1 In the morning there are around 75 blackbirds out back all over the feeders and ground. I just open the slider and they all fly away.

sdandrea1 No thanks, the problem is they try to nest in any outdoor light, not sure why so many in Las Cruces--not experience this issue before. Already converted 3 lights to something not flat and ugly. Tried spikes many times. Taped a plastic owl this time, seems to work until the wind picks up.

Need more birds of prey. Downside of the hawks, the doves fly into the windows to escape.

I am on tamosulin and was on dutasteride but I stopped the dutasteride. Side effects.
I am going to be getting the ThuLEP procedure this fall.

Still a sticker on the new cooktop I just bought and realized this morning our refrigerator died. At least freezer part kept going.

Throwing out food and getting ready to spend bigly again. What appliance is next?

    KCee Probably the water heater. And it will leak all over the place and cause a bunch of damage that also has to be repaired.

    azgreg no but we had an issue with it a week ago and I defrosted and restarted it. Apparently it has 2 compressors so freezer still works.

    3 people in my small surrounding area have hit a for a million bucks in the last 5 weeks on scratch off lottery tickets, and I'm not one of them. That's my complaint.

      azgreg Did it die 2 weeks ago and nobody checked in on it?

      The plot thickens.........even more!

      jsippy73 3 people in my small surrounding area have hit a for a million bucks in the last 5 weeks on scratch off lottery tickets, and I'm not one of them.

      The odds of you winning are now astronomically HUGE against you.

        azgreg The odds are actually as they've always been.

        Not for golfers. If several people you know in your club make a hole in one on a particular hole within a few months, you will NEVER make one there. Fate and statistics are completely different things