azgreg You can get that done behind the bus station cheaper. Welcome to my Ted Talk.

Giphy - Happy Eddie Murphy GIF by Laff

jsippy73 What drug for prostate, don't know of any?

Tamsulosin/Flomax is a bladder relaxer. Finasteride (and some other "ide's") is supposed to shrink the prostate gland. The ultimate fix is to reduce the gland's size so that it's not impinging urine flow. Laser, clamps, etc. Google it.

    I used to take the flomax many years ago. I had 40 radiation treatments and used it some for a while after that. Have PSA test every 3 months. Been holding pretty steady with a slight rise until now. Want to do a head to toe scan if up any next time. I know I will not do chemo or hormones. Know a couple that did and they said never again. Doing my own treatments as we speak. Unconventional with the medical field.

      jsippy73 I used to take the flomax many years ago. I had 40 radiation treatments and used it some for a while after that. Have PSA test every 3 months. Been holding pretty steady with a slight rise until now. Want to do a head to toe scan if up any next time. I know I will not do chemo or hormones. Know a couple that did and they said never again. Doing my own treatments as we speak. Unconventional with the medical field.

      Dealing with prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement) are two very different things. Most of the discussion here about these drugs was about BPH, not cancer. I do wish you the best on your path!

        sdandrea1 Only thing mentioned after my PSA came back(1st time), and I got a fingering, was a discussion about a biopsy. Nothing about any meds at all.
        Just something else they wanted to stick in me, and a somewhat dangerous procedure, imo.
        Of course I said FO.
        Last time they wanted to do the finger deal again, with no mention of meds again. No finger this time.
        I'm alive, I can piss, and seldom get up at night to do it.

        Meds to shrink the prostate take a long time to work. Plus there can be side effects.

        While not the most pleasant procedure , TURP surgery offers immediate relief or so I am told


          No. Drug free and loving it. Give me death before I'm somoene's residual income.

          Glad your PSA is low. I guess that's your PSA.

            Yipsy Glad your PSA is low.

            If I posted what mine was here, people would faint like girls!!

            Had it been my GPA avg., I would now be telling Elon how to build things.

            jsippy73 I tried other things before cannabis. Didn't like how the other stuff made me feel. Cannabis, with the right stuff just kinda makes my brain go on autopilot. So I just cruise. I'm enjoying the cruise, golf is enjoyable when I just quit thinking and swing. Most of the time, I'm able to play well that way.

              Weirfan Meds to shrink the prostate take a long time to work. Plus there can be side effects.

              Or not work. I've been on Finasteride for years and it may have slowed the enlargement, but who knows. I think TURP is in the near future. I'd like to get off the meds.

                Par4QC Am I the only one here that is not on drugs?
                My PSA makes all yours look like a GPA for high school.
                And it went down .8 the past year.😉

                Yeah, you’re the picture of health here

                  Walterjn Cannabis, with the right stuff

                  Like frozen pizza and Boone's farm!!
                  I hear ya.

                  Not really though, it's all a front.

                  I had a cold about 14 years ago. So, not all that healthy.
                  And had the flu in late 2000.

                  rsvman2 Not that I wouldn't, just never needed to very many times in life; been quite a lot of years since.
                  After my gall bladder surgery, when getting staples removed, my surgeon asked what I had been taking for pain.....I said 'what pain'?
                  Same after hernia surgery, still got the full bottle of pain pills somewhere, that the kids had filled. Well, minus 1..... that created any pain I did have. No more of that stuff.
                  I've been very lucky.

                  jsippy73 Just looked up TURP, doesn't sound like fun.

                  Not many surgical procedures are fun. I haven't had one yet that was even close to fun.