Bought an Onn. 4K Pro strreamer box that had rave reviews. I was happy with it save for the audio issues while on YouTube, only. Cracks and pops drove me crazy.
I factory reset it in hopes of fixing the issue but in the process the weirdest thing I've ever seen with a tech gadget happened. My TV remote is now paired to the box. I wasn't prompted to pair it the TV remote. The remote just worked. It didn't work after initial set up. I actually like it but there's no Google Assistant button on my TV remote so that's not going to work for me.
You would think there would be one other person who posted about this online but I've found nothing regarding this issue. Plenty on the on Onn. 4k streamer of 2023 but nothing on the 4K Pro. This issue has made me hostile. It shouldn't be happening and it defies all logic. I can't seem to fix it and have been at it for hours.
I told my wife I want to just smash it with a hammer and buy a Roku or Google 4K streaming box. I can't handle this issue for some reason. The brain is about to shoot sparks.