Many have an inate hostility toward a strong national government. Some of our ancestors came here fleeing oppressive national regimes. Those experiences conditioned being suspicious of big government.
But many came to the United States with high hopes for a better life, which they eventually received from the United States government with the coming of the New Deal that produced the GI Bill, Social Security and eventually Medicare.
So many say they hate big government until they need it. People tend to like clean drinking water, safe food to eat and many of the things that we take for granted in everyday life. This countries big government helped rebuild Europe after WWII as well.
People have a disconnect when it comes to big government. People love big government programs. They hate socialism, but love the socialist programs like Social Security, Medicare and related programs.
So when people say they hate big government I laugh. Most people want a strong military along with the so called entitlement programs. And guess what? That’s where most of the money goes to fund those things.
So complaining or cutting other parts of big government is really just nibbling around the edges. May make you feel better, but don’t amount to a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things.