Just to reiterate. 🙄
Not at all. I’m all for getting as much money as you can. I’m all for NIL’s in college football for example.
I’ve stated if Bezos or Musk were behind LIV I’d have no problem. I would still think players would be lessening their legacies etc..
I agree with Paul McGinnley that the business model in Pro golf will probably change to guaranteed money. Not sure as a fan I like that. But it seems inevitable.
Other than that I think everyone knows where I stand. I didn’t realize I was so ambiguous.😏
And I’m not sure this is the forum for the discussion of economics policy where imo the redistribution of wealth to the top incomes has been going on for far to long.
Yes, I’m all for demand side economics (opposed to supply side / trickle down). Put the money in the hands of the masses and have a bottom up economy.
Progressive tax policy instead of regressive tax policy etc.. A job is created because there is demand for a good or service and not because a rich person gets a tax cut etc..
Oops, I’m gonna get accused of self righteous ivory tower opinions again if I’m not careful. Aka as a strong take. 😉