sdandrea1 Yeah, don't get me wrong. I believe that anyone with a solid repeating swing can be helped by getting their stuff tweaked in to optimize their game. I just think that fitting is sometimes oversold, like TMAG marketing.
I had passed the stage of totally sold on the fitting to like your thinking and now I think it is a case by case with the individual.
You are correct that the mass golfers believing in the numbers, the statistic and the launch monitors. I guess it's for certain "good for their heads " but whether it'll make a noticeable impact for their golf game is totally "by individual case".
One thing a fitter overlook is that we're not dealing with Iron Byron. A human body's condition changes day to day and minute by minute. It'll even be different after a big meal..... hence no cheese burger at the half way house.
I think for some, the correct basic fitting from the get go will benefit their golf game; whether the fitting will be worth the investment is totally on the depth of expectation.
Flex, length of shaft and lie angle for the irons will promote a correct golf swing without the golfer compensating too much at the beginning of the learning.
Don't believe me ? Take a look at the beautiful golf swing of Fred Couples. Pretty in the sense of the seemingly ease of execution. Very up right ( ruined his back prematurely ). My take is the habit was formed when he was using adult sized golf club at a younger age, the up right swing plane was to compensate for the lie angle to produce a good ball trajectory / flight.
Anytime a golfer's swing does not need to compensate because of the ill fitted equipment, the longer the golfer could enjoy this game in health.
I did, observe a lot of the fitters and pros..... fitting golfers for the only reason of bottom line. Most of the guys in the business are honest, the few bad apples are common with any trade under the Sun.