No one looking at new drivers wants to read something like this, and I(esp.) never want to post something like this. But..
Yesterday I had my Smoke TD and an Epic Max LS in the bag. The Epic Max was just for fun, but right off the bat, shit got real with that 'fun'. And I only used the Smoke a few times to save it all the embarrassment I could.
Had several drives at 230 and over, middle of fw!! On 1 particular hole, for some reason, they had moved the tee box back 30 yds. from where it's been forever. I still hit past where my normal drive would be. Had a few 'PB' drives on particular holes.
I'm not going to say it is better than the Smoke, but I'm wondering why I have that club nowπ€¨. In my defense though, I haven't really hit the Epic Max but a handful of times. Oh, I did put a Penley Tour Light. S flex in it; it had a different shaft before yesterday.