sdandrea1 Par4QC
Yes, but am I moving the heavier mass at the same speed as the 50g shaft? 🤔
Ok, do you remember me talking about “muscle activation”? You guys might think you don’t have any muscle but you do… you keep active, you work on your shop, Steve is out doing yard work at the church etc…
So what happens is when you have a heavier shaft /club, your brain has your bigger muscles take over… because you’ve been active your whole life and you still do physical work. You end up swinging it faster. If the club is too light, your brain doesn’t tell your larger, more powerful muscles to engage… and you don’t swing as hard.
The only reason I know this is I started researching it when I saw my numbers ( Sarnella is listening!) and consistency get
better with a heavier iron shaft. I’m slower with a 105 gram shaft than I am with a 115. With an 86 gram shaft I was all over the place and no faster than with the 115 too.