Rickochet sdandrea1 I hate it when a joke is so bad, it's funny. I can't believe Walter didn't like my horse walks into a bar joke. 😟
sdandrea1 Eguller Ever stop to think........and forget to start again ? Don't let that happen with breathing.........😳
Walterjn sdandrea1 nope, work. Still working on recovering from past Saturday. Yesterday I took boss lady's son to LAX so he could catch his flight to west palm beach. Was up at 1 again.
johnnydoom I just came to the realization that the writer of “Cocaine Bear” probably had a young kitten around the house.
mulegolf johnnydoom “Cocaine Bear” Buy the way, Cocaine Bear is streaming on Peacock tomorrow. I wouldn't spend the money to watch it in a theater but I may watch it on Peacock.
johnnydoom mulegolf My 20 year old son went to see it with a couple of his buddies at the theater the day it came out. He said it wasn't a particularly good movie, but that it was entertaining.