I can't sit and study my putts, if I look at it too long, I over think I all and screw it up. I seem to work best when I just walk up, glance at it all, and hit my putt. I don't line up anything on the ball, hard the time I don't even adjust the ball. Make sure it's clean, set it back down and putt. On the practice green, I can't sit and hit a bunch of putts either. I'll hit a dozen or so more to see about getting the speed figured out. I'll start with a few 3' putts, and after that see about going out to 20' breaking putts. I know that is most of what I'll be looking at in my round, so I hit 6 or so of those and maybe a few longer uphill ones if possible. Then, ilk stand around and wait for everyone else I'm playing with...