Typhoon Only thing that scares me are the horror stories of joint pain. Prosoft inserts would be going in those.
I've been lucky, I guess. I don't have those problems, yet anyway. From all the work/type of work I used to do, you'd think my wrists/elbows/shoulders would be shot to shit.
But, imo, it's not what the shaft is made of causing those problems for people, it's the weight. You can change from steel to graphite, but if it's the same weight, it's still 'pulling' on all joints throughout the swing. And I think that is what causes the pain, more so than hitting the ball. Ferchrissakes, the ball is rubber! Probably only a handful here, like you, that would be hitting the ground after the ball.
Then again, most of us are probably hitting the ground before the ball, and much more often.π€ We deserve any pain that comes from that.π