Absolutely ! You are on the button with the fitting. Sadly most of these are "trained" fitter whom took a one day class of how to.
Even with reputable fitters in the business for years could come up with different results.
That's why the old school of ball flight rules. I had a guy whom will fit golfer with the ball flight. He fine tune all the elements to achieve the ball flight the golfer wants. I had seem a golfer's bag with irons made up of inconsistent length ( not 1/2" gap throughout the set ), variable swing weight but the ball flight was perfect and the distance on each club was right where it should be.
What I meant by benefited from a fitter with a fairly consistent game was, if a golfer does not even make solid contact with the golf ball 50% of the time, no fitter will be able to help his game except helping the fitter's bank account balance.
Sure, marketing 101 says "sell the customer what they want ". I had learn that in all the professions I tried which is to give proper advise then shut up and let the customer tell you what they want. Especially those with a deep pocket............