From up here, I think they just wanted NOT Hillary and the like, for the most part.
I predicted a Trump win, ironically in a conversation with Candukid, and I am not a big politics guy.
However, I have a good bullshit radar and the Dems (and Libs here) are extra full of it and corrupt.
IMO,there's really no defense of Trump the Man, but you cannot deny the negative sentiment for the Democrats.
As soon as the Dems realize they have been a disgrace themselves (I doubt they will due to arrogance) they will be better off and no more Trumps and the like, will be in office for along time.
We have had the same shit here for the last 15 years.
Liberal retards ruining this once great Conservative built province.
However, the only ones to blame are the Conservatives themselves who keep shooting themselves in the foot with in-fighting, poor candidates and the inability to stick together and keep their beefs with each other behind closed doors and show the public a united front. (Liberal trademark)
They are about to be booted out, finally, unless a last minute shit storm happens.
I will be holding my breath until the last minute.
IMO, the cracks are showing in the Republican Party and all the Dems have to do is STFU and keep quiet and stop being sore losers (Hillary is not helping with her blame game and current tour btw) and accept the next 3 years as is. Complaining does nothing at all.