Ah, the shiny object. Look over here, look over here. What does the sale of Uranium to Russia have to do with Russia interfering in our elections?
I believe the cash sent back to Iran was their cash to begin with.
The crotch grabbing is on audio tape. If supporters believe everything else this idiot says, why not this?
Why should we treat Cuba differently that other communist countries like China and Vietnam?
Who's excusing Bill Clinton's womanizing?
Hillary didn't win, she's in Chappaqua hawking books. But you right wingers can't leave her alone. Be honest, secretly right wingers wish she had won. Think of all the ridulious wild goose chasing investigations could be going on right now.
Oh wait, right winger congressmen Trey Gowdy is starting one up again on the email baloney. Let the fun begin again.
Where's the right wing chant of Niger, Niger, Niger. Lord knows we heard a lot Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. 😱