You're confused as to my post. I was using sarcasm with the arsenal comment.
However IMO the Second Amendment is out dated. There is no threat from a foreign militia. We now have the National Guard, Armed Forces, Police etc.. There's no need for rural farmers to be armed in order to form a militia and fight the British in a minutes notice with musket rifles. And the fighting tyranny argument became a moot point years ago. Good luck fighting tyranny against the arsenal of the Armed Forces.
Having said that the Heller case is the law, but there can be limits imposed. I would argue one common sense limit would be not being able to amass an arsenal the likes of the Las Vegas shooter amassed in such a short time.
Along with enhanced background checks it seems reasonable for some red flags to go up when someone buys so many assault weapons in such a short time period. This is just the type common sense thing that gun rights advocates and gun safety people could agree on.
But the NRA is only interested in one thing. Selling more guns. So, don't hold your breath.