I don't think they are geared at decent players. They are a budget option for a 3 wedge set. 3 wedges for $149 , less than the price of one big brand name wedge.
Costco wedges have TT wedge flex shaft , no custom options. I expect the irons to have a similar type of build and target audience....that segment of the population looking for a low priced option.
By all accounts the wedges were a home run for Costco and they got decent reviews .I saw quite a few Costco wedges in bags and know a couple guys with them, they are not great golfers but these wedge in their hands will work as well as a set of wedges that costs $500- $600.
Costco is way bigger than all the golf companies combined, them adding clubs is a pittance to them and their bottom line....it worked with their balls, wedges, putter and gloves, I suspect it will also with the irons....depending on their pricing. It shows as a forged head on USGA which will increase cost but they will probably sell tons so that could keep the price down. I would think a 4-pw set will have to stay in the $450 or less range