AKA (Also Known As)
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jrock Here is a list of folks that have had different names in previous lives.
FauxAmish aka. XBanker, XB
CallMeAl aka. Squidward
Sixtyfour aka. 64
Limey aka. TelPizzzy, Tel
Let me know if there are more to add to list
It would be a greater help if those who have a wish to present themselves on this website as different from FGI, that they explain in their Profile any reference to how they represented themselves on ANY other Golf Website. Or as some have already done ... Let other Brethren know how they wish to be referred.
It is all about communication. That is what Justin has always tried to achieve. JMO
I am spuzz at FGI , zzups at Golf Discussions and Mellowspuzz at GEA.
Hope nobody was fooled by any of that, especially Bangoman.
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blader blader a day ago
Not exactly an AKA, but I'm frequently mistaken for Blader and bladder
I refer to you as "Blader" in my posts because I like to capitalize names which is pretty standard practice in the English language. There is nothing more to it than this. I suspect that when people refer to you as "bladder" it is intended as a jocular put-down ... suggesting you are sort of like a hot water bottle full of warm piss. Of course, I could be wrong about this. I personally would never refer to you this way because I have such admiration for your work with fruit flies and your benevolent management of the Blader Industries secretarial pool.
I am MidwayJ on FGI, WRX, and GEA. I am spuzz on numerous GLBT forums.
PA Playa = the artist formerly known as lefty9155.
Or as my good friend Professor informally prefers - Bubba.
jamez just jamez
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I am me except for a couple places where they don't want me to be me. I'll leave it at that.
Corksuckers can't handle the truth....or a different opinion.
Supp . . . as in Supperman
I am the poster formerly known as PaunchyBald or is that poser formerly known as....................
Known on other forums as:
patriot mob
I try to stay in character as braveheart though.
Subsonic AKA subsonic
I was Babaganoosh on FGI. It was funny at the time I signed up.
See "recurring characters" partway down this page.
Sadly, no one got it.