sdandrea1 RE: spuzz - there can be only one..............................please

That would be wishing for no jocularity and less rebuttal. I for one would even be more Blue over this thought.

I am me except for a couple places where they don't want me to be me. I'll leave it at that.

Corksuckers can't handle the truth....or a different opinion.

Supp . . . as in Supperman


blader 5 days ago

Not exactly an AKA, .............. mistaken for...... bladder

Most exclusively by Jules.

AKA (i)wishicouldhit(it)

    Known on other forums as:
    patriot mob
    I try to stay in character as braveheart though.

    6 months later


    Ah it's still funny. Nothing to make you laugh like MXC!

    Golfer_LD here, there, and every other forum I'm on.

    AKA Orlimarfan1. Big change for me. I hope I can adjust. And you guys as well..... 😉


    Same here and a couple of other golf sites I belong to but don't post much. I keep using it because someday someone will be planning a trip through KS and think of me if you need a game. Or have trouble and need a hand.

    Mulligan was taken & a bit obvious ,so I chose Provisional

    Fgi, wrx, here, can't seem to get into sandtrap except on the course, of course
    Hoping 4 lots of fun here
    ROLL TIDE !!!
    We're back.......

    raggmann54...on most sites i frequent I am raggmann, name borrowed from Kirk Douglas's book, as I worked at one time for an American clothing mfg. But, on one site someone had that moniker so, added the '54' for no other reason than they were the first numbers that came to me.

    Bigborgel here, Bigborgel there, Bigborgel everywhere.....