ode He leaked some serious oil as the round went on.... I suspect he will be 18th at the end if that continues to be the trend.....that being said, swing looked pretty good....I see no reason why he couldn't do alright and even be on the leaderboard, maybe even win an event once he plays some more.
letthebigdogshunt Par4QC Wow he was -4 through the first eight holes. You either misread the tracker or someone was putting some bad info in it.
Orlimar1 I have to admit it's fun to watch Tiger and Rory hit iron shots with those tiny little blades they play. The rest of his game was meh..... But some of those iron shots were impressive into the par 3's.
azgreg Par4QC From the sound of it, he will be going with a different driver setting tomorrow. This is the 1st adjustable driver he has ever tried, so I imagine he'll be doing some GBing with the stick tonight.(and I mean the driver) He would be better served if his caddy hides his driver all together and he just goes with that stinger 3/5 wood all day.
Par4QC azgreg I've thought that for a few years now. At least he's only got a 1 way miss, so far, instead of his all-over-the damn-course/off-the-course-miss! Played fairly good today.
Release He's still looking for the feel of a shorter length driver with heavier weight. Best to go back to a 44" heavy graphite shaft or back to steel. He won't lose much distance with shorter shaft . will also be easier on his shoulders and back besides stayung in the fairway.
Weirfan Amazed how so many here know what's best for Tiger's game, more than his $1000/hour coaches and more than Tiger does ( the 2nd greatest golfer of all time ) 😉
Weirfan Looks like JR has withdrawn with his bad back, leaving Tiger sitting in last place . Now Tiger has to play on his own . Question is now, will he play in 2 or 3 hrs ?
Bangoman One thing is for sure...nothing like Tiger excitement. It's like rooting for Jack and Arnie when they hit their 40's.
Spuzz Bangoman nothing like Tiger excitement For fans like guitarplayer33, what started out as nice feeling turned into an angry fist at the end yesterday.
letthebigdogshunt Bangoman Tiger came into the 17th hole -3 and made double double on the last two holes. This made Spuzz happy and Tiger mad. I think most pros who come into the last two holes under par and finish double double would be pretty upset though. Spuzz always loves to put Woods down.
Weirfan Short game is on today. A few misses lefts but a couple nice saves from the waste areas. 5 par 5's and no wind, scores could be low. Bubba 6 under thru 6 !!!!
Mattyv 7 under 65. Pretty solid round. Let's see what the weekend brings. I seem to remember him having some weekend issues his last go round.
Release Mattyv If he stays healthy I believe he'll have a decent weekend. Only if the weather gets tough for the weekend will he have any chance to get in the top 3. Needs outside agent to aid his quest. Other players will not fold because they want him to win.