Typhoon Subsonic With all the Shooters at your club, why no Nitros?? Don’t want to “encourage” the shit golf…. We get enough already.
raggmann54 My gawd, that is one butt ugly clubhead...What has been seen cannot be unseen...I'm heading for the eye drops now...
Typhoon sdandrea1 Matte cover. Matte cover freaks me out to putt with. Just makes my skin crawl. Imagine a matte finish ball with a Nubbins putter face?
sdandrea1 KCee I hate They're not trendy and cool and all "OEM"ish, but I'm not a brand snob. I've got a nice Diamana in my Quadratic driver head and it's straight and as long as anything else I've owned.
KCee sdandrea1 I'm not a brand snob. Plus it's just that much better to beat someone with a club or clubs they've never heard of. If I was @Typhoon I'd be out taking money with a short set of those hideous Cleveland VAS irons or just a shovel!
sdandrea1 KCee Plus it's just that much better to beat someone with a club or clubs they've never heard of.
sdandrea1 Typhoon Its fun to go out with just a 7 iron and have “honors” on every hole😁 Yeah, well, I wouldn't know.........😥