KCee Typhoon Wouldn’t fly at my place… nowhere for the beer cooler Shooter aren't just doing shots? Beer is too slow!
Typhoon KCee Shooter aren't just doing shots? Beer is too slow! I find Nips, Beers, Champagne bottles, joints... you name it... they return the carts with that shit in them. I make them clean them out themselves. Your Mother doesn't work here I tell them.
azgreg Typhoon Around these parts all the carts have brackets to mount coolers on the side right above the rear tires.
Walterjn Typhoon they would probably strap it to the front end, and block the windshield. Not like those you say show up can drive properly when they can see. Let them try it blind, you might get better results. You know, less carts in the pond....
sdandrea1 Rickochet Why isn't there a social media site for drunk people called "Shit Faced-book?" Fixed it......
Typhoon Something funny about the song “Play That Funky Music White Boy” by Wild Cherry playing as I walk through and look at the people on Rascals in Walmart
sdandrea1 Eguller All my thoughts are 'random' so...... .....only the ones I can remember. The rest are fleeting.
azgreg I just had easily a top 5 worst cheeseburger off the food truck. My body is already ready to expunge it. It is aggressively occupying my colon and my colon isn't happy about it.
sdandrea1 azgreg I just had easily a top 5 worst cheeseburger off the food truck. My body is already ready to expunge it. It is aggressively occupying my colon and my colon isn't happy about it. ...... literally.....
Typhoon Why do people beg for money at the Walmart parking lot? Wouldn’t you do it where the people going there are not already poor?… Wouldn't you do better begging at the parking lot of a Nordstrom or Macys?
Rickochet Typhoon Why do people beg for money at the Walmart parking lot? An intersection near my local Krogers is a popular begger spot at a stop sign. There are beggers there every day. I guess they have to get there early to claim the spot. I often see the beggers at the end of the day walk to an adjacent parking lot and get into a very nice late model vehicle.
garyt1957 Typhoon Wouldn't you do better begging at the parking lot of a Nordstrom or Macys? Rich people didn't get rich by giving to the poors