sdandrea1 FauxAmish Hmmm ... You must have also been the streaker at the Super Bowl? 😏🤔 I don't recall........ 😌
KCee 03trdblack Damn! I have one of those putters and I want it to look more like that! Do you have an instructional video? lol
sdandrea1 KCee Damn! I have one of those putters and I want it to look more like that! Do you have an instructional video? lol That paint job looks like something I could not pull off..................but I might try.
sdandrea1 Natpharm Why not, if you screw it up you can always get a new one 😈 Not for 6 months, Mr. Enabler. 🤣
Eguller Bravopilot Damaged equipment may be an allowances. What am I winning again?? Allowances....right. sure. no. Got to be clean.
sdandrea1 JoeHatesSnow I was with ya on the CAG, this one..... I think it's the feel. The CAG is an awesome putter, but this one is special.
Eguller sdandrea1 I think it's the feel. The CAG is an awesome putter, but this one is special. Don't dare change golf ball brand.... just saying. 👀
Bravopilot Eguller Sure, he doesn't break things. What are you putting up against the dozen new balls from me?
sdandrea1 Bravopilot Sure, he doesn't break things. What are you putting up against the dozen new balls from me? I'm too weak to break a club. I can still throw one, tho.
Eguller Bravopilot Not sure. Too busy with an 89 yo Father-in-law who broke his upper femur & snow removal. It will be equivalent at least........Maybe 4 boxes of Grape Nuts. 😋
Bravopilot sdandrea1 Well for the next six months please only throw SWMBO's putters.🤣 If able, please take her picture immediately after and post here.
Eguller sdandrea1 I'm too weak to break a club. I can still throw one, tho. We have a number of nice ponds on our course that haven't eaten a putter in a while. 🤣
sdandrea1 Bravopilot Well for the next six months please only throw SWMBO's putters.🤣 If able, please take her picture immediately after and post here. If able...................right.
LBlack14 Eguller Too busy with an 89 yo Father-in-law who broke his upper femur & snow removal. 😲 Oh no!!! Sorry to hear that, Dan. Major surgery? Hope he heals as fast as possible. My best to you and your family.
Bravopilot Eguller Another good point, no lost Putters for six months. Goes in the pond, must come back out. Again, recommend throwing other's (apparently throwing SWMBO's is a non-starter) putters.