Eguller sdandrea1 No demoing out of your bag. Forget cheating on those gals. You stick it in - it counts. 😮
LBlack14 "Holy Grail" is the label given right before "for sale or trade". I've been around for every one of Unc's 100k+ posts. 😁
sdandrea1 LBlack14 "Holy Grail" is the label given right before "for sale or trade". I've been around for every one of Unc's 100k+ posts. I'm too transparent........ 😂
LBlack14 Bravopilot Happy to take more action??? Naaah, it's a sucker bet. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors. 😉
KCee 03trdblack Damn! I have one of those putters and I want it to look more like that! Do you have an instructional video? lol
sdandrea1 LBlack14 Naaah, it's a sucker bet. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors. This one is safe. I have no stake in the game, so if I cave in and buy and/or sell, it'll be known. 😉
Eguller sdandrea1 so if I cave in and buy and/or sell, it'll be known. In geezerdoom, remembering is half the battle. 🤔
LBlack14 Eguller LOL... I trust, but verify. These are good dudes and a fun bet. I know, Dan. Just funnin'.
sdandrea1 FauxAmish Hmmm ... You must have also been the streaker at the Super Bowl? 😏🤔 I don't recall........ 😌