
might be “OGputtnfool”... I forget. I don’t go on there often, too much of a “suck up” forum. I just know that name is on there. I think the OG part starts it. He could have changed the spelling too but there is one there.

Yea, I saw that too. I think it's him seems to be about the right age.

If you fit in @ THP, that's not saying much. That place is worse than WRX by far and the cocksucking and ass kissing that goes on there is unrivaled and, gawd forbid, you have a different opinion than theirs. It's right up there with the hate spewed by a few here for the same thing.


    100% right. It’s amazing the degree of sucking up. They all jockey for position for the outings the manufacturers have for them. I’ve said truthfully bad things about clubs and nobody says a word about what I wrote, and they just keep trying to out accolade the next guy.
    WRX is not a bunch of suck ups and ass kissers, they are just a bunch of people who pretend to be good and think that by buying and selling top end equipment that they are good players.

      Typhoon WRX is not a bunch of suck ups and ass kissers, they are just a bunch of people who pretend to be good and think that by buying and selling top end equipment that they are good players.

      I was talking about the ones that moderate that site, more so, than the members.

      johnnydoom Didn't know who Ellen Page was. Never saw Juno and if I've seen her in something it didn't resonate with me. Hope she (he, I guess) enjoys the newly announced identity.

      She, now known as Elliot apparently, was also in Inception.

        SVonhof Just looked up Elliot's acting credits and Inception would be the only thing I've seen the actor in. I don't remember much about Inception except to say that I thought it was enjoyable at the time I saw it at the theater..

        CPFitness I don't have a problem with it at all. Because of the pandemic people need money and we need herd immunity, too. This is two birds one stone thinking.

        CPFitness They aren't even going to have enough vaccine for 1/3 of the pop., the way it is now. And people are going to be pissed they cannot get it.

          You do not work a deal like that. Tell someone to take a vaccine with no long term safety data and tie a financial incentive to it.

          It will never work. The people who need the most help financially will be the last to receive the vaccine.

          Society is likely to set up enough of an incentive by barring people from entering events restaurants travelling and more.

            CPFitness Society is likely to set up enough of an incentive by barring people from entering events restaurants travelling and more.

            If they had done that back in Feb., I doubt we'd be where we are today. Closing airports would have done more good than anything. And sinking cruise ships. 😄