It has occurred to me that none of you know me or understand my sense of humor. FTR I would not engage in any scandalous activities with Pelosi or Warren.

    Subsonic FTR I would not engage in any scandalous activities with Pelosi or Warren.

    It's not scandalous if you have permission, & it's done in private, is it? Please say Yes, or I'm shamed. 😁 er...not about them though.

      Par4QC Hmmm... If my friends don't see... Consenting adults and all that jazz. It may be OK, but for sure, some of that 50Mil would have to come my way. 😀

        Subsonic It has occurred to me that none of you know me or understand my sense of humor. FTR I would not engage in any scandalous activities with Pelosi or Warren.

        @livegolf and I are the only humans that understand you.......and I'm on the Last Tee.

          LBlack14 Not sure where you copy pasta'd that from but whatever. Facebook I'm sure.

          I didn't read this list of propaganda, but the ones I got through were pretty much YES to all. Your list reminds me of the saying, "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit!"

          I will tell you what I do dislike. He is not a good person. There are far far more faults with him, but that is #1 on my list. If you can't be faithful to your wives, plural, you are not a good person. PERIOD. How can I think he would be good for me.

          If I cared to take the time, I could disprove almost all of your "accomplishments" with sources to prove they are far from that. I don't need to because I see them for what they are, BS.

            DonM Taxes???? Has he released them? I think you miss the point of transparency. Transparency and no filter are two different things. What president has been found to have a secret Chinese bank account?!!?!


              It’s all good trump isn’t everyone’s “cup of tea.” Just like I don’t like a guy who sniffs little girls hair.

                colej But you do like a guy who comments on how he wished his daughters wasn't his daughter so he could be dating her? Or busted into teen pageant contestants dressing rooms, just because? Sure, Joe is the weirdo.

                  I guess you have missed the Don Jr. videos lately. Or the amount of Sudafed Trump keeps in his desk. But, from my experience Trump supporters only see what they want to see. Makes sleeping at night much easier.

                    Dufferman I'm not going anywhere.

                    I imagine that he told his kids that Santa and the Easter Bunny were real at some point in their lives as well. Bad, BAD President!! 😠