Kamala Harris
I live around Joe Biden, I worked on his golf clubs when I had my shop and talked casually with him at times. He served Delaware and America for 47 years. Hats off to that service but if you see and listen to him today his time to retire has come. He was referring to President Trump today as “George”. He’s more than a bit confused and bewildered. It’s plain to see. How can a logical, intelligent person vote for him to hold the most challenging job in the world? You don’t have to socialize or play golf with Trump, all you have to do is ask him to work hard and assess the results. How can you win an election you don’t have the stamina to campaign for? Do you think he will get a burst of energy and awareness if he wins? As far as Harris is concerned , all she does is giggle. Not a serious person to be next in line. Could she even hold a serious conversation with world leaders?
Par4QC Yes, because he said so.....unless you have a cited source? That is some good proof. You know what would prove he closed that account? Huh? TAX RETURNS! I ain't gonna believe a word coming out of that conman's mouth.
Tinker He did not call Trump "George". All though I'm sure FAUX News and OANN said he did. https://www.thewrap.com/biden-trump-george/
Is Biden older then I would like, YEP. Is Trump a spring chicken? Hell no.
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Okay, educate me. How does closing a checking account show on your personal tax return?
brownmoose13 I would assume if you had large amounts of money in a bank account, it wouldn't just be sitting there doing nothing. It probably is gaining some sort of interest. I'm no CPA, but I do know that interest earned is taxable, or deductible. Plus, any large monetary transfer from or to a bank account has to be reported to the IRS. But, I assume you know this since you are an adult. Anyway, google is your friend. Unless you think it is run by the Deep State then I guess you could use Bing or Ask Jeeves or something.
I understand not buying into Biden, but how anyone can watch the lying, divisive con man for 4 years and praise him escapes me.
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You made a few assumptions...1) that a China Checking account pays interest which they do not...2) Transfers of $10,000 and over within the USA must be reported but have no effect on your tax return.
Two years ago I closed one of my checking accounts to switch to a different bank and I reported nothing to the IRS about closing the account
I'm still here!!
Tinker all she does is giggle. Not a serious person to be next in line. Could she even hold a serious conversation with world leaders?
I know one leader that likes giggly women but she would have to be prepared to be groped and he's not much for conversation above Grade 6 level so there's that.
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But those pictures of Pelosi are 30 years back
@Spuzz over Rick Astley...........but it's close.
I used to think that Biden was showing fairly advanced signs of dementia, but then i saw a video of him speaking in Congress from something like 30 years ago. He seemed just as confused then as he does now.
I'm not sure if that's good or bad, lol. Makes me think, on the one hand, that maybe he's not demented, he's just stupid. Or maybe he has been demented for many years?
I don't know. Can't seem to find anything real positive about the fact that he seemed just as clueless then as he is now. On the flip side Trump is an egomaniacal buffoon. Such great choices........ /insert rolling eyes emoji here