LBlack14 1st one out of the race for the Dem nomination, but 1st one in for the VP slot, based on race and skin color.

I'm of the belief that was planned all along. And yes, it was because of her race and gender.

Subsonic I find it interesting that Canadians have an opinion either way. I have spent zero time worrying about Canadian politics

As an informed Canadian on places other than where I live, we pay attention (but do not "worry") to our closest neighbour and largest trading partner as it does affect us in some way.
Not surprisingly, as history has repeatedly shown, it is not a reciprocal sentiment, politics or otherwise.

    Par4QC but I think WHEN Trump is re-elected, we will see a different type of administration.

    A glimmer of hope.......


    There were plenty of other qualified women of color that Sleepy could’ve picked but I’m guessing he found a way to pick Kamala, due to their close relationship on the China power deal.

    Par4QC love.... no, I'd relish, the opportunity to bitchslap the hell outta Trump. He's been a complete dope the past 8 months.

    Get in line. 🤣

      LBlack14 "liberal" beliefs I have. For one, I believe health care is a right.

      That's a Socialist view but one that ALL real Canadians accepted early on.
      It's been abused and bastardized over time, for political reasons, which is another issue altogether.

      sdandrea1 Par4QC love.... no, I'd relish, the opportunity to bitchslap the hell outta Trump. He's been a complete dope the past 8 months.

      Get in line. 🤣


        Spuzz I guess I can see where you are coming from. What happens in Canada has little effect on us here, but what happens here has a dramatic effect on Canada.

        It seems that many of the Canadians that post on the Buzz are so vocal and condescending. As if they are living in a utopian Shangi La whilst we have it all wrong.

        I am too busy worried about what is going on here to peak over the fence and worry, I mean pay attention about all the ills of Canada. Trudeau government is a show. The whole Quebec/English speaking thing... etc...

          ^^^ That was giggle worthy^^^ 😆 I thought Creepy Joe was going to do something to the Mom, so the Kamala thing kind of caught me by surprise.

          Subsonic As if they are living in a utopian Shangri La

          It isn't, but it could be much better, with little effort, and more common sense.

          I can only speak for myself with regards to attitude from us Canucks and I try to be nice most of the time.

            Spuzz I think you could make the same statement about the USA. I think we all need to remember that it is not as bad as the media wants to make it seem.

            You are the nicest Canadian on the forum.

              From my experience, I believe A LOT of Canadians have an inferiority complex to the United States.Why I don't know, your country has plenty to be proud of, maybe it's a matter of not being a big player on the world stage?
              I've spent a lot of time in Canada and have lots of long time Canadian friends and they can't help but take shots at the US, of which I never reciprocated. I used to play in volleyball tournaments across the US and Canada, so I've visited there often.
              One of my first experiences was back when the Canadian dollar was at 40% of the US dollar. So we're checking into the Canadian campground and the guy at the counter says something about how we must love the exchange rate, so I say "Yea, it's great for us" or somesuch and this other Canadian guy goes into a speech about while the dollar is worth less, they make much more per hour in Canada and in the end they are probably better off. It was just so weird from an off hand comment about the exchange rate that I didn't even initiate.
              So we're at a communal campfire that night and again the exchange rate comes up and again some Canadian jumps in about all the things better in Canada, yada ,yada, again totally unprovoked. I remember saying to my wife later that evening, "Do Canadians seem a little sensitive about the exchange rate ?" It was so weird.
              Another one of the big jokes was always along the lines of "Careful or we'll come and burn down your White House again" . That was a big one, heard it all the time. Now, I'm not a history buff or anything but I remember it was the British that burned down the WH. But I heard that joke so many times I had to look it up again and sure enough it was the British Army that was stationed in Canada that did it. And even if it had been Canadians you'd need to hang your hat on something that happened 300 years ago, like it matters now?
              I remember a few of our Canadian friends got injured ,two knees that I remember and when I showed surprise at how long they had to wait to get surgery it turned into a US vs. Canada health care "discussion".
              I'm still FB friends with a lot of them and I guess they forget or just don't care what we see but they constantly post memes and posts dissing the US. Rarely and I do mean rarely do they post anything about Canada at all.
              I realize this is all anecdotal and maybe doesn't reflect on the majority of Canadians but it's just some of the things I've noticed through the years.

                garyt1957 And even if it had been Canadians you'd need to hang your hat on something that happened 300 years ago, like it matters now?

                Maybe they now owe us some reparations.(??)

                  I need to be changed. You will be on November 3rd.