Funny story related to this. There's a town (wide spot in the road) in southern Indiana who's name is the same as my last name (details withheld to protect the innocent) and a big road sign with an arrow pointing towards the turnoff for it.
During my college days I decided that sign would be a great addition to my dorm room. So me and a couple of friends went down there in the dead of night, parked on the side of the road (state highway), put on the hazards, and starting working. It took us longer than expected to get the sign and we had all kinds of good samaritans stop and ask if we needed help... "no ma'am we have someone coming". We finally get the sign in the back of my friend's truck, he turns the ignition, and click click click. It's dead as a doornail. Now nobody's coming or stopping and this was well before cellphones and we're in BFE anyway. So we start pushing while my other friend tries to start it by popping the clutch. It seemed like we pushed that SOB a mile before it finally started. But the sign did look good in the room.