Ack8236 Well, this will be my last post about the hat, and any intent.
I was on FB and while scrolling, this pic came up. Maybe because of the day it was, maybe because it just amused me, but without another thought, or look at the actual website selling it, I copy/pasted it to this thread. It was not until I was confronted did I go back and look at the site itself, and is wrong with people and shook my head? But....
Never confront me with an "agenda". You'll get a fight, and that fight includes/included leaving my post on, with the pic, to further piss them off. Someone has a problem with something about me, there is a PM button they can always hit. Do not bring your damned agendas into everyone's life. It is yours, personally, and they do not know if it 'offends' me or others of the public, and they do not care.... as they say we do not care...2 way street. It is not so much the content of those agendas, it is always the way they are brought out. Which I have told this person several times already, and will again. When you bring something like that to a golf forum, you know in advance you are bringing/starting trouble. And if you look at that America I Miss, THAT is just 1 reason why I do miss it.
Freedom of speech is great, it is just fine and dandy...........but watch your mouth, and where you yell, when calling out others about theirs!! đ¤Ź