Unholydefenestrator, thank you for your response to my post. Of course you are right that I could have had the things I said I missed from my childhood even if I had grown up in a myriad of other countries. Naturally.
But I grew up in America. Hard to miss 'the France I grew up in' when I didn't grow up in France. The same for Italy, Germany, etc. But you are correct, lt is the world that has changed, not just America, and none of the things i posted were unique to America.
And I want to also let you know that I am not the kind of person who sits around all day pining for a bygone era. I agree with you that a lot of things are much better now than they were then, and I'm not that big on nostalgia, anyway. I only posted because you said that nobody had given specifics about what it was they missed about the old days.
I didn't post the hat, and I didn't like the post with the hat. All I did was point out that you came on a little strong with your accusations without asking many questions.
I like the tone of your last few posts a lot better. Thank you for taking the time to discuss issues rationally and for presenting your point of view in a gentler way.
I do believe that, generally speaking, things get better, rather than worse, over time, and I so think that we are moving in the right direction, despite the fact that there are still a lot of horrible, hateful people everywhere on earth.