It SUCKS Getting Old...
This year is the first year i am noticing a big change. That could be a combo of age and losing 25 lbs. while I still get the odd one out there 270-280 average has gone from about 260 last year to 240 this year. Gonna work on flexibility and strength in off season and hopefully get that average back up over 250.
5i is going 185/190 so I'm able to comfortably play course yardages to 6700 which the blues at mine are
I went thru the monitor history. Here's the average...
Jaacob Bowden's chart from swingmangolf which I feel is accurate.
I guess it depends which of those numbers they are measuring and which they are calculating.
But the smash factor is way off. 132/83 = 1.59, and that's too high. Actually, impossible unless you are using an illegal driver.
If the 83 is right, your ball speed should be 120 or so. Your carry should be well under 200 and I would think that with roll, you'd be a bit above 200.
What do you get on the course?
Machine golf is not really playing golf. Your driving is all about what you do on the 14 holes you tee it up( assuming the average 4 par 3’s per course). 14 balls between 190 and 220 on or close to the fairway will give you a good day. 3 at 260, 3 in the water, 3 in the woods, 2 ob and 3 in deep rough will be a disaster.