customgolfcenter I could sell the 6 boxes (12 dozen) I ordered on accident for $50/dz which would net me $600 (minus fees), and that would more than cover the $290 (w/tax) that I paid for all of them plus a nice tidy profit!
Why not ?
You can get some extra Christmas gifts.
Even if the price line had gone up you'll probably still ahead for a long time.
A commodity trader told me one time , maybe more than 30 years ago. It's no good hanging on to it, the movement makes the market. Plus you will keep 3 box for yourself and that's probably a few season's worth.
You will not see this kind of crazy price after the Holidays, remember the "Twinkies" incident ? Those Twinkies were selling as collectors item and soon the manufacturer decided to continue the product..... hoarders lost out.