Par4QC .I know some of these types
I ran into these more often nowadays. Had a guy whom could not afford better food on the dinner table, getting by from paycheck to paycheck but has a cellular bill at $240 per month; his phone plus his wife's and one other "idled" number simply because it's free. From Verizon which is the most expensive cell plan in our area. Could not get signal at my house..... however, has the roll over minutes of more than 7,000.
Why ? Pay for something you don't need ? Those rolled over minutes could not be converted back to cash and he has limited data and text.....
I almost wanted to tell him this, but held back... $240 x 12 = $2,889 per year. If he could save $100 per month then it's $1,200 he could have "extra" right now without having to work overtime for it.....
I don't know....
If this was the main reason the K/S/ golf balls were sold out quickly because the Scalping . I give up, there is no hope for "these" on both ends of the table.