Back in the spring I bought a Snake Eyes Quick Strike II hybrid head from @"DonM". It takes a .335 shaft rather than a .370. It's been a great club for me b/c the wood shaft gets the ball higher in the air so it comes down and stops on the green.
Fast forward to this week.....I found a Maltby STi 24* hybrid that I had tried and abandoned b/c it didn't get the height I was hoping for. So, the other day I reshafted it with a .350 senior flex wood shaft that I had laying around (had to shim it a bit for a snug fit). I just took it out and hit two balls out into the field behind my house.....WO-HOO!
Two solid hits and great higher trajectory!! Can't wait until Tuesday's round to dial in the distance and see where
it fits in the bag.....!!