AdamMH Par4QC fair point, I think the first driver I ever built played at a similar SW. 455DB w/ uncut Evo at 47". It never felt too heavy to swing.
Par4QC AdamMH It never felt too heavy to swing. I'm just surprised I can still do this. Club is taller than me 🤣 and almost same weight. But, I get nothing from shorter/lighter, longer/lighter.
LogicalOne Par4QC I'm just surprised I can still do this. We all are, since nobody has actually seen you do it! 😂🙂 jk of course!
sdandrea1 I pulled some grips off some clubs I'm selling to put them on some clubs I haven't bought yet. Pulled some grips off some other clubs I might sell and put them on the clubs I'm selling. Now I need some grips for the clubs I might sell.
Par4QC sdandrea1 DTG sells grips. So does Value Golf. And iirc, Kelly said he had surplus to sell. Which sounds Logical.
sdandrea1 Par4QC DTG sells grips. So does Value Golf. Yep. DTG cheapos are great for adding to "for sale" clubs and they're great for clubs you're using!
Par4QC sdandrea1 Amazon has crazy deals for the 360 Karma. I bought so many last year I still have some.
Jelopster sdandrea1 And Hurricane ie blowing out those Star grips at $2.99 and they have all the purdy colours!
Par4QC CallMeAl 😖gawddam.......Elmer's glue. Wood filler swingweighting. not going to be good.
sdandrea1 Might shaft up the 4,5,6 as well. Nice matched set of blue dot heads. Not a fan of the mirror finish, but they'll dull out with use.
Spuzz sdandrea1 Not a fan of the mirror finish, but they'll dull out with use. Who da fuck will notice? 😉