i like Chamblee for his candor and him not being afraid to go down a path that most don't have the balls to do. Of course, it is his schtick and its all just entertainment to generate interest and commentary. That said he sometimes pushes it too far and has with Reed and should have dropped it long ago. Reed may have a coloured past, but it serves nobody's interests for Chamblee to have spent so much time attacking him. He is the ONLY one to to that.
I don't blame Reed at all for slapping him with a legal threat. chamblee is going above and beyond to besmirch him when everybody else reported the event , had their say and then let it be. This is not journalism its a personal attack and nothing more.
Chamblee should move on from Reed's indiscretion and focus his attack on the PGA Tour who pussey footed around this incident and didn't have the cahones to DQ Reed for intentionally cheating, rather only gave him a 2 stroke penalty. As such, Reed's lawyer is right when he says that Reed didn't intentionally cheat and the PGA Tour's ruling supports that, and they are the judge and jury.
How the lawyer believes the video supports that is questionable at best.
Reed is who he is, a great golfer with an unlikeable side , he's not the first and wont be the last.