Unless you are fortunate to belong to the top 1% income bracket, or born with a silver spoon in your mouth, felt the squeeze from life ?
Of course, the squeeze based from economic elements will spread to other parts of life. Felt the squeeze of having to be more competitive ? In every facet of life, work, paying bills, driving on the roadway, and even shopping at warehouse for food ?
We had been experiencing tremendous growth in our region, except for golf industry. I mean, there are golfers buying equipment and getting on the golf course but they are not beating down the doors.
Money does not stretch as far as it used to be. A hundred dollar today won't last as long as a $20 just 10 years ago. The old teaching of saving for the raining days would not work well unless one could generate more income to keep up with the inflation.
I wonder how do people survive in other parts of the world ? One friend just came back from visiting Vietnam as one item on his bucket list. He said even the large cities in Vietnam back in the 70's looked like a 3rd world country dump, but today the cities were very much alike Western cities. Living standard is still low, they went out as a group of 8 had a big dinner for $31 for the total bill. He said maybe we should have left it along in the 70's if they just need to figure out for themselves that the communist's system would not work. This is coming from a retired full Colonel of the Marine Corps whom served two tours to the Vietnam.
I see there are more choice for the golf equipment and most are more affordable than 5 years ago. This did not translate into more sales volume nor more profit. Of course the internet commerce played a big part in the trend. Some local golf courses still packed the tee sheet during weekend with sunny forecast . Cancellation rate is high should the weather forecasting changes ( according to a friend works at one one of the very popular local daily fee golf course .
Does time really fly when you get older ?