Middle class is dwindling in numbers. We are getting more and more like other parts of the world with the top one percent overseeing the very small middle class then a mass on the bottom of the pyramid.
All the other types of discrimination will give way to the "Class Distinction ". Tradition and other good stuff from our forefathers will be forgotten. Old value will be replaced by opportunist value.
The best generation I had known in my life span was my father's generation whom lived through WWII, Korean War and the Vietnam War. They know what could be if we don't live a clean life and most of them had to build their life with their own hands. Not the hand me down stuff. Imagine your children wishing you passed on sooner so they could get their hands on your nest egg ? From the 90's to today, just in this region there were several well publicized News of children killing the parents to try to get to the inheritance sooner.......... unthinkable in the old days.
Someone will say, the generation before you said the same thing and so on and so on....
True, but if you look further back in human history, there were darker era. low moral and starvation..... I not just saying it. My father's generation was the best in the recent history of human being.
I guess even in Japan they could say the same. The younger generation will not work s hard as their father's generation.
The new trend for the millennium is, make so money then take several years off to enjoy life, travel and do whatever they wish. Came back to work when the money runs low...... reminding me of an example of Southeast Asian native. I had known a guy whom opened a manufacturing factory in the Southeast Asia in the 80's. He told me that he had labor issue. The native were good workers and learned quickly but a few times a year they would just disappeared. Then showed up for work again when the money ran out.
Funny how things mirror from different places and time.