Yes Berman asked the two sides to come to an agreement. Many judges do that. No offer was ever made as far as I know by the NFL. And Brady was never going to accept a suspension. As for Jastremsk and McNally's phones. They were not personal phones, they were Patriot issued phones. So now you're suggesting a conspiracy by Kraft to switch out their phones? Ridiculous.
The Ideal Gas Law is relevant to explain the football pressure and was used as the defense in the original hearing with Goodell. You don't find it interesting that the NFL never released their findings on the Ideal Gas Law this past season? Obviously we are well beyond that now. Again read Sally Jenkins as she explains what a load of crap Goodell's case was all along. I suppose she's a huge Pats fan herself (insert eyes rolling emoji here).
You guys keep ducking the question as to why Favre only got a fine for not handing over his phone (again, precedent). And what about the Vikings tampering with footballs by heating them up on the sidelines only getting a warning? There was actual real video tape evidence against the Vikings.
Again, fairness and precedent were absent in Goodell's punishment with Brady. But this is the same idiot that initially gave Ray Rice a 4 game suspension for knocking out his wife that was caught on tape. And then this idiot judge, jury and executioner interviewed the perpetrator (Rice) and the victim (his wife) at the same time.
This was a case that was started by an ESPN reporter reporting bogus information given to him the night of the Colts game by an ex Jets exec, now an NFL exec. Once the erroneous 'cheating' train had left the station there was no slowing it down.
This was nothing more than a witch hunt that got out of control by an incompetent commissioner. Railroading the face of your league was a real 'smaht' move. Luckily for the League it's as popular as it is. Things do change however.
The concussion issue will be the downfall of the NFL. It may take awhile and probably not in my lifetime, but this is a problem not going away.